如何为 Twig 安装 Intl 扩展

2022-01-22 00:00:00 php twig twig-extension intl

Intl extension 是 Twig 的扩展,它添加了 localizeddatelocalizednumberlocalizedcurrency 过滤器.如何安装和设置扩展,以便在我的 Twig 模板中使用这些过滤器?

The Intl extension is an extension for Twig that adds the localizeddate, localizednumber and localizedcurrency filters. How can I install and set up the extension so that I can use those filters in my Twig templates?


安装 PHP intl 扩展

首先,您需要 PHP intl extension,作为Twig 扩展建立在此之上.如果未启用 PHP intl 扩展,Twig Intl 扩展将抛出异常.安装说明可以在PHP官方文档中找到.

Install the PHP intl extension

First of all, you will need the PHP intl extension, as the Twig extension is built on top of that. The Twig Intl extension will throw an Exception if the PHP intl extension is not enabled. Installation instructions can be found in the official PHP documentation.

在 Ubuntu/Debian 机器上,这就像运行以下命令一样简单:

On Ubuntu/Debian machines, this is as easy as running the following command:

sudo apt install php-intl

在 Windows 机器上,您可能必须取消注释 php.ini 中的以下行:

On Windows machines, you probably have to uncomment the following line in php.ini:


对于 CentOS 或其他架构,请按照 此处的说明进行操作.请注意,CentOS 需要同时安装 PECL 和 GCC C++ 编译器:yum install php-pearyum install gcc-c++.

For CentOS, or other architectures, follow the instructions here. Note that CentOS requires both PECL and the GCC C++ compiler to be installed: yum install php-pear and yum install gcc-c++.

将扩展添加到 php.ini 后,重新启动 Web 服务器.

Once the extension is added to php.ini, then restart the web server.

接下来,您将需要 Twig Extensions 包(包含 Intl 扩展等),可以使用 Composer 安装.在命令行中运行这个命令:

Next, you will need the Twig Extensions package (that contains the Intl extension, among others), which can be installed using Composer. Run this command in the command line:

composer require twig/extensions

这会将依赖项添加到您的 composer.json 并下载它.

This will add the dependency to your composer.json and download it.

注意:localizednumberlocalizedcurrency 过滤器是在 1.2.0 版本中引入的,因此如果要使用它们,至少需要该版本.

Note: the localizednumber and localizedcurrency filters were introduced in version 1.2.0, so you need at least that version if you want to use them.

如果您直接使用 Twig(即不在 Symfony 项目中),请手动将扩展添加到 Twig 环境中:

If you are using Twig directly (i.e. not in a Symfony project), add the extension to the Twig environment manually:


use TwigEnvironment;
use TwigExtensionsIntlExtension;

$twig = new Environment($loader);
$twig->addExtension(new IntlExtension());

将扩展添加到 Twig(在 Symfony 中)

如果您使用的是 Symfony 应用程序,您可以通过创建服务并将其标记为 config/services.yml 中的 Twig 扩展来将扩展添加到 Twig:

Adding the extension to Twig (in Symfony)

If you are using a Symfony application, you can add the extension to Twig by creating a service and tagging it as a Twig extension in config/services.yml:

        class: TwigExtensionsIntlExtension
            - { name: twig.extension }




在 Symfony 中设置默认语言环境

config/framework.yaml 中,取消注释 default_locale 设置:

Setting the default locale in Symfony

In config/framework.yaml, uncomment the default_locale setting:

    default_locale: en
