检查变量是否是 Twig 的日期

2022-01-22 00:00:00 php twig

我有一个变量数组,我想在 Twig 模板中显示,每个变量可以是字符串或日期.

I have an array of variables that I want to display in a Twig template and each variable can be either a string or a date.

如果变量是日期,我想像这样应用 date 过滤器:

If the variable is a date, I want to apply the date filter like this:

{{ my_var|date('d/m/Y') }}


And if it's a string I want it to display it the usual way:

{{ my_var }}

有什么方法可以测试变量是否为日期(即 PHP DateTime 对象的实例)?

Is there any way to test if a variable is a date (ie. an instance of the PHP DateTime object)?



Maybe not the best way to do it, but I found a solution to my problem.

{% if my_var.timestamp is defined %}
    {{ my_var|date('m/d/Y') }}
{% else %}
    {{ my_var }}
{% endif %}

作为 DateTime PHP 对象有一个公共的 getTimestamp 方法,这是一种检查变量是否为日期的方法,无论该属性是否设置.

As a DateTime PHP object has a public getTimestamp method, it's a way to check if the variable is a date whether this property is set or not.
