php 7.4 在写入变量中的 Twig 问题

2022-01-22 00:00:00 variables php symfony php-7.4 twig

我在我的项目中使用 php7.3 并在这个项目中使用 Twig

I using php7.3 on my project and use Twig in this project

将我的 php 版本升级到 7.4 后,我在树枝渲染中出现了一些错误.

After upgrade my php version to 7.4 i have some error in twig rendering.

我通过 Twig 变量设置了一些 html 类

I set some html class by Twig variable


<body class='{{global.direction}} preload {{bodyclass}}'></body>

当使用 php 7.3 时,Twig 渲染的输出是:

When using php 7.3 the output of Twig render is:

<body class='ltr preload main'></body>


但是当我的 php 升级到 php 7.4 时,输出发生了变化!

But when my php upgraded to php 7.4 the output was changed!

<body class='ltr preloadmain'></body>

在变量之前在空间上删除了 Twig,并且在我的源代码中发生了非常错误:/

Twig removed on space before variable and very error was happening in my source :/

Twig 到处调用变量,Twig 删除它之前的所有空格!

Everywhere call variable from Twig, The Twig remove all space before it!




对我有用的一般答案(Opencart Twig 也是)与评论中提到的修复 Simo Heinonen 有关,即

The general answer that worked for me (Opencart Twig too) is related to the fix Simo Heinonen mentioned in the comments i.e.

不同版本的代码会与上面显示的有所不同.对于 Opencart Twig(大多数版本,但使用 oc 进行了测试),显然修复了它:

Different versions will have somewhat different code than shown above. For Opencart Twig (most versions but tested with oc what apparently fixed it was :

在文件 Lexer.php 中查找函数 lexData 第 163 行更改:

Find in file Lexer.php function lexData line 163 change:

if (isset($this->positions[2][$this->position][0]) ) {
    $text = rtrim($text);

if (isset($this->positions[2][$this->position][0]) && ($this->options['whitespace_trim'] === $this->positions[2][$this->position][0])) {
   $text = rtrim($text);
