如何将 TWIG 输出渲染到变量以供以后使用(symfony2)?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 render php symfony twig

不要像这样在我的 TWIG 中渲染每张幻灯片(参见第 6 行):

Instead of doing this rendering of each slide in my TWIG like this (see line 6):

{# loop out the slides #}
{% for c in contents %}
    {% set i=i+1 %} {# increase slide number #}
    <div id="slide{{ i }}" class="slide" style="z-index:{{ i }};">
        {# the slide itself, rendered by it's own template #}
        {% include 'BizTVArchiveBundle:ContentTemplate:'~c.template~'/view.html.twig' with {'contents': c, 'ordernumber': i} %} 
{% endfor %}

...相反,我想将所有这些逻辑保留在控制器中,以便将一组准备好的幻灯片传递给视图.我该怎么做这样的事情(见第 9 行):

...Instead I would like to keep all of that logic in the controller, to just deliver to the view an array of ready slides. How can I do something like this (see line 9):

    //do stuff...
    foreach ($container->getContent() as $c) {
                $content[$i]['title'] = $c->getTitle();
                $content[$i]['sort'] = $c->getSortOrder();
                $content[$i]['data'] = $c->getData();
                $content[$i]['template'] = $c->getTemplate()->getId();
                $content[$i]['duration'] = $this->extract_seconds($c); 

                $content[$i]['html'] = $this->render('BizTVArchiveBundle:ContentTemplate:'.$content[$i]['template'].'/view.html.twig', array(
                    'contents'=> $content[$i],
                    'ordernumber' => 99,


All it gives me at the moment (the contents of $content[$i]['html']) is




It's better if you include the template in the template, this way you keep the templating rendering in the view layer and the logic in the controller layer.


But well, if you really want it...

您可以使用 2 个服务来做到这一点:twig 正在使用 Twig_Environmenttemplating.engine.twig,这是一个模板层构建在 Symfony2 for Twig 中,这可以很容易地切换到 templating.engine.php.

You can use 2 services to do that: twig is using the Twig_Environment or templating.engine.twig which is a templating layer build in Symfony2 for Twig, this can be easily switched ot templating.engine.php.

如果您使用 twig 服务,您可以查看 twig 文档使用方法:

If you use the twig service, you can see the twig docs on how to use it:

$template = $this->get('twig')->render('/full/path/to/Resources/views/'.$content[$i]['template'].'/view.html.twig', array(...));

如果您使用 templating.engine.twig 服务,请参阅 模板关于如何使用它的文档,与Twig_Environment几乎完全相同.

If you use the templating.engine.twig service, see the templating docs on how to use it, which is almost exact the same as the Twig_Environment.
