在 MySQL 中使用什么函数来散列密码?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 hash passwords php mysql

我的 mysql 数据库中有一个包含密码列的用户表.目前,我使用 MD5 算法对用户密码进行哈希处理以存储在数据库中.现在我喜欢认为我是一个有安全意识的人.我在阅读 MySQL 文档时注意到他们不推荐 MD5 或 SHA/SHA1 散列方法,但不提供替代方法.

I have a user table in my mysql database that has a password column. Currently, I use the MD5 algorithm to hash the users' password for storage in the database. Now I like to think that I am a security conscience person. I noticed while reading the MySQL docs that they don't recommend MD5 or the SHA/SHA1 hashing methods, but don't offer an alternative.

在 MySQL 中散列密码的最佳方法是什么?在我当前的实现中,PHP 和 MySQL 原生支持的函数将是理想且必要的.

What would be the best way to hash my passwords in MySQL? A function that is natively supported in both PHP and MySQL would be ideal and necessary with my current implementation.



不一定你不应该使用 MD5,而是你不应该使用只是 MD5,因为这就离开了您容易受到彩虹表攻击(彩虹表是预先计算的哈希值的表 - 如果您的密码非常常见或简单,攻击者只需查找哈希值,他就知道您的明文密码.)

It's not necessarily that you shouldn't use MD5, as much it's that you shouldn't use just MD5, as this leaves you vulnerable to rainbow-table attacks (a rainbow table is a table of precomputed hash values - if your password is even remotely common or simple, the attacker needs merely to look up the hash and he knows your plaintext password.)


At the very least you should add a salt to every password so that any existing rainbow table is useless, forcing the attacker to generate an entire new rainbow table just for your database of passwords.


Better still is to use a different salt for every password in your database, say the username it's associated with, so that an attacker can't even generate a rainbow table for your whole database and has to crack each entry separately.

MD5 也是一种非常快速的算法.速度是破解的敌人——生成哈希所需的时间越长,黑客每次尝试所需的时间就越长.对于登录到您的网站的用户来说,像每次使用新的额外盐对纯文本进行 100 次散列处理这样简单的操作几乎无法察觉(如果有的话),但它会增加暴力破解密码所需的时间.100 次.

MD5 is also a very fast algorithm. Speed is the enemy when it comes to cracking - the longer it takes to generate a hash, the longer it takes for each attempt a hacker makes. Something simple like hashing the plaintext 100 times with a new additional salt each time would be barely perceptible (if at all) to a user logging in to your site, but it would increase the time it takes to brute-force a password by the same 100 times.

