Laravel - Composer 在更新平台后检测到问题

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php laravel composer-php

所以我刚刚使用命令composer self-update --2更新了composer,但是,现在我的 Web 应用程序显示错误 Composer 在您的平台中检测到问题:您的 Composer 依赖项需要 PHP 版本>= 7.3.0".

So i just updated composer using the command composer self-update --2, However, now my web application shows the error Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.3.0".

我不明白这是因为执行 php -v 给了我 PHP 7.4.13

I dont understand this because doing php -v gives me PHP 7.4.13


How can I fix this?



Your terminal user's PHP version may differ from the server's version.

您可能在终端上拥有 7.4.13,而在 apache2 或您使用的任何服务器中拥有完全不同的 PHP 版本.

You may have 7.4.13 on terminal while having a completely different PHP version in apache2 or whatever server you are using.

在 PHP 文件中使用 phpinfo(); 并通过浏览器访问它以查看实际的 PHP 版本.

Use phpinfo(); in a PHP file and access it via browser to see the actual PHP version.
