如何强制 Composer 下载本地包?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php composer-php

假设我们有以下目录结构,我们假设 my-package 也存在于 Packagist:

Let's say we have the following directory structure, we assume my-package also exists on Packagist:

- apps
\_ my-app
  \_ composer.json
- packages
\_ my-package
  \_ composer.json

要将 my/package 添加为 my-app 的依赖项,文档声明我们可以使用以下配置:

To add my/package as a dependency of my-app, the documentation states we can use the following configuration:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../../packages/my-package"
    "require": {
        "my/package": "*"

但是,当我 composer update 时,依赖项仍然是从 Packagist 下载的.所以,看看,我禁用了 Packagist.org:

However when I composer update, the dependency is still downloaded from Packagist. So, to see, I disabled Packagist.org:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../../packages/my-package",
            "packagist.org": false
    "require": {
        "my/package": "*"

我使用 composer clearcache 清除缓存,使用 composer remove my/package 删除 my/package 并使用 再次安装composer require my/package --prefer-source (我不明白 --prefer-source 是否仅适用于 vcs).下载的包还是不是本地的.如何强制作曲家使用本地的?

I cleared the cache with composer clearcache, removed my/package with composer remove my/package and installed it again with composer require my/package --prefer-source (I didn't understand if --prefer-source is for vcs only). The downloaded package is still not the local one. How to force composer to use the local one?


"require": {
    "my/package": "*"

如果是 VCSpath 存储库类型,您需要指定您请求的包的版本.因此,不要像现在那样使用 *,而是使用 @dev:

In case of VCS or path repository types, you need to specify version of the package you request. So instead of using *, as you have currently, use @dev:

"require": {
    "my/package": "@dev"
