如何在 Composer 中仅更改一个包的最低稳定性

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php composer-php

我正在尝试通过 Composer 将 ldap-auth 模块合并到我的 Laravel 项目中.但是,它仅在 dev 稳定版本中可用.我当前的 Composer.json 有一个 minimum-stability 设置为 stable,我想为我的其余模块保留它,但是当我尝试运行 composer update,它给出了一个错误,有一个模块不满足最低稳定性要求.有没有办法根据自己的最低稳定性要求单独安装该软件包?

I'm trying to incorporate the ldap-auth module into my Laravel project via Composer. However, it is only available in a dev stability version. My current Composer.json has a minimum-stability set to stable, which I'd like to keep for the rest of my modules, but when I try to run composer update, it gives an error that there is a module that does not meet the minimum stability requirements. Is there a way to install that package separately with its own minimum-stability requirement?



There is, you'll just need to whitelist that package with a stability flag. Something like this:

"require": {
   "ccovey/ldap-auth": "1.1.*@dev",

