在作曲家安装后如何运行 Symfony 控制台命令?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php symfony composer-php

我的 composer.json 包含以下声明:

My composer.json contains the following declaration:

    "post-install-cmd": [

我想运行 src/MyBundle/Command/MyCommand.php 中的自定义控制台命令.如何将其添加到脚本中以在 composer 中运行?

I want to run a custom console command that I have in src/MyBundle/Command/MyCommand.php. How do I add this to the scripts to run in composer?


您可以看到 postinstall 挂钩如何为 Sensio DistributionBundle 工作.

You can see how the postinstall hook work for the Sensio DistributionBundle.

例如,您可以这样调用 Acme Demo 包的 Hello World 命令:

As example, this is how you can call the Hello World command of the Acme Demo bundle:



namespace AcmeDemoBundleComposer;

use ComposerScriptCommandEvent;

class ScriptHandler extends SensioBundleDistributionBundleComposerScriptHandler {

     * Call the demo command of the Acme Demo Bundle.
     * @param $event CommandEvent A instance
    public static function helloWorld(CommandEvent $event)
        $options = self::getOptions($event);
        $consoleDir = self::getConsoleDir($event, 'hello world');

        if (null === $consoleDir) {

//        $extraParam = '';
//        if (!$options['who']) {
//            $extraParam = ' --who';
//        }

        static::executeCommand($event, $consoleDir, 'acme:hello', $options['process-timeout']);


您可以在 json 文件本身中管理额外的参数.

You can manage extra param in the json file itself.


"post-install-cmd": [


我扩展了版本的sensio-distribution bundle的ScriptHandler类:

I extend the ScriptHandler class of the sensio-distribution bundle of version:

sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.18)

