如何在运行不同 php 版本的服务器上安装 laravel

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php laravel composer-php

我在默认情况下在运行 php 5.3 的服务器下安装 laravel 时遇到问题,但我可以选择一个 php 版本在任何特定目录下运行.

im having issues to install laravel under my server running php 5.3 by default BUT i'm able to pick a version of php to run under any specific directory.

guzzlehttp/guzzle 4.1.2 requires php >=5.4.0 -> your PHP version does not satisfy that requirement.

所以我选择 php 5.4 在我试图安装 laravel 的目录上运行,但作曲家不知道我在该目录中运行 PHP 5.4.

so i choose php 5.4 to run on the directory that im trying to install laravel, but composer do not know that im running PHP 5.4 in that directory.



尝试使用 composer 命令安装" rel="noreferrer">--ignore-platform-reqs,例如

Try running composer command with --ignore-platform-reqs, e.g.

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
