symfony 的 require_once

2022-01-21 00:00:00 php symfony composer-php

我现在正在用 php + Symfony2 框架做东西,我有以下代码:

I'm making now things with php + Symfony2 framework, and I have the following code:



问题是,如何Symfonyze"这些不舒服的 require 语句,然后,如何将这些文件包含在 Symfony2 包中?

The problem is, how to "Symfonyze" these uncomfortable require sentences, and after, how to include these files in the Symfony2 package?


We've thought about two possibilities:

  1. 将文件包含在 symfony 的 /vendors 目录下,或者
  2. 将每个类都包含为一项服务.


如果这些类位于 bundle 中,那么你可以使用如下:假设您的包名称是 AcmeDemoBundle.将此文件放在 Acme/DemoBundle/Model/中

If these classes reside inside bundle then you could use as below: Suppose your bundle name is AcmeDemoBundle. Place this file inside Acme/DemoBundle/Model/

   namespace Acme/DemoBundle/Model;
   class one_file {


To use this file inside your controller or any other file:

这里是 Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/UserController.php

Here for Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/UserController.php

   namespace Acme/DemoBundle/Controller   
   use Acme/DemoBundle/Model/one_file
    class UserController {
    public $one_file=new one_file();

从 php 5.3 开始,引入了命名空间.您可能应该在 php 文档中查看名称空间及其用途

In php 5.3 onwards, namespaces has been introduced. You should probably look at namespaces and its uses in php documentation
