
2022-01-21 00:00:00 git php composer-php

Is it possible to fetch a certain pull request with composer? Like a specific commit from a fork? What would the directive look like?

edit: context This would be helpful so I don't have to wait for a new tag to be created. I am certain it will be merged, however I don't know if when then devs will get a chance and I'd rather not put off the work flow I am in...

edit 2: now that I think about it, surely when developers make a fork of a public package they might need to test their own fork within a project or two before even pushing a pull request

edit 3: example I'm trying to pull this https://github.com/valorin/dispatcher/commit/c566eb6902f378abd59943e7ea09f61e734c8960 to no avail, I tried:

    "valorin/dispatcher": "develop#c566eb6902f378abd59943e7ea09f61e734c8960"


    "indatus/dispatcher": "develop#c566eb6902f378abd59943e7ea09f61e734c8960"

edit 4: great success

"require": {
        "indatus/dispatcher": "dev-develop#c566eb6"

adding the dev- prefix did the trick


You can't reference a pull request directly, but you can always get hold of a specific commit. You just need to find the commit hash that the pull request introduces. (If you're using github it's in the commits tab).

Then you'll need to use something like this in your composer.json -

 "require": {
    "mysoftware/thesoftware": "dev-master#3f38376d"

Where mysoftware/thesoftware is the usual vendor/software name thing you would use, and the part after the '#' on the right-hand side is the specific commit hash you want.
