PHP - 和/或关键字

2022-01-20 00:00:00 conditional php


Is && the same as "and", and is || the same as "or" in PHP?


I've done a few tests, and it seems they behave the same. Are there any differences?

如果没有,是否有任何其他 PHP 标志具有等价词,您认为它是否使代码更易于阅读?

If not, are there any other PHP signs that have word equivalents and do you think it makes the code easier to read?


andor 的优先级低于 &&||.更准确地说,&&|| 的优先级高于赋值运算符 ( = ) 而 and则更低.

and and or have higher lower precedence than && and ||. To be more exact && and || have higher precedence than assignment operator ( = ) while and and or have lower.


Usually it doesn't make a difference, but there are cases when not knowing about this difference can cause some unexpected behaviour. See examples here:逻辑.php
