“做某事或死()"如何?在 PHP 中工作?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 exception-handling conditional php mysql

我正在编写一个 php 应用程序来访问 MySQL 数据库,并且在一个教程中,它说了一些形式

I'm writing a php app to access a MySQL database, and on a tutorial, it says something of the form

mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("could not connect");

PHP 是如何知道函数失败以便运行 die 部分的?我想我在问它的​​或"部分是如何工作的.我想我以前没见过.

How does PHP know that the function failed so that it runs the die part? I guess I'm asking how the "or" part of it works. I don't think I've seen it before.



If the first statement returns true, then the entire statement must be true therefore the second part is never executed.


$x = 5;
true or $x++;
echo $x;  // 5

false or $x++;
echo $x; // 6

因此,如果您的查询不成功,它将评估 die() 语句并结束脚本.

Therefore, if your query is unsuccessful, it will evaluate the die() statement and end the script.
