如何检查字符串在 PHP 中是否为 base64 有效

2022-01-21 00:00:00 validation base64 php

我有一个字符串,想用 PHP 测试它是否是有效的 base64 编码.

I have a string and want to test using PHP if it's a valid base64 encoded or not.


我意识到这是一个老话题了,但是使用 strict 参数不一定有帮助.

I realise that this is an old topic, but using the strict parameter isn't necessarily going to help.

对诸如我不是 base 64 编码"之类的字符串运行 base64_decode 不会返回 false.

Running base64_decode on a string such as "I am not base 64 encoded" will not return false.

如果您尝试使用 strict 解码字符串并使用 base64_encode 重新编码,您可以将结果与原始数据进行比较以确定它是否是有效的 bas64 编码值:

If however you try decoding the string with strict and re-encode it with base64_encode, you can compare the result with the original data to determine if it's a valid bas64 encoded value:

if ( base64_encode(base64_decode($data, true)) === $data){
    echo '$data is valid';
} else {
    echo '$data is NOT valid';
