将 GD 输出转换为 base64

2022-01-21 00:00:00 image base64 php gd

好吧,我的问题很简单,我只想将 imagepng/imagejpg 的输出转换为 base64,我该怎么做?正确的方法是捕获输出缓冲区?谢谢.

Well, my question is very simple, i just wanna convert the output of imagepng/imagejpg to base64, how i can do this ? the correctly way is with capturing output buffer ? thanks.


imagejpeg/imagepng 不返回任何数据,它们直接将图像数据写入输出流(或文件).

imagejpeg/imagepng doesn't return any data, they write the image data directly to the output stream (or to a file).

如果您想捕获编码为 base64 的数据,最简单的方法是使用 PHP 输出控制函数,然后在 上使用 base64_encode$image_data.

If you'd like to capture this data encoded as base64 the easiest method is to use PHPs Output Control Functions, and then use base64_encode on the $image_data.

ob_start (); 

  imagejpeg ($img);
  $image_data = ob_get_contents (); 

ob_end_clean (); 

$image_data_base64 = base64_encode ($image_data);
