Mongo DB $或PHP中的查询

2022-01-20 00:00:00 mongodb find php

我一辈子都想不通如何从带有 or 参数的集合中进行选择.它对我来说根本不起作用,我真的找不到任何关于它的 php 文档.

I can't figure out for the life of my to select from a collection with the or parameter. It's not working at all for me and I can't really find any documentation on it for php.


Here is my example code that doesn't return anything even though they exist in the collection:

$cursor = $products->find(
        '$or' => array(
            "brand" => "anti-clothes",
            "allSizes" => "small"


The $or operator lets you use boolean or in a query.
You give $or an array of expressions, any of which can satisfy the query.


You provided only one element in the array. Use:

find(array('$or' => array(
  array("brand" => "anti-clothes"),
  array("allSizes" => "small")
