
2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide php phpdoc var hint

因此,在 PHPDoc 中,可以在成员变量声明上方指定 @var 以提示其类型.然后是 IDE,例如.PHPEd 将知道它正在使用什么类型的对象,并将能够为该变量提供代码洞察力.

So, in PHPDoc one can specify @var above the member variable declaration to hint at its type. Then an IDE, for ex. PHPEd, will know what type of object it's working with and will be able to provide a code insight for that variable.

  class Test
    /** @var SomeObj */
    private $someObjInstance;


This works great until I need to do the same to an array of objects to be able to get a proper hint when I iterate through those objects later on.

那么,有没有办法声明一个PHPDoc标签来指定成员变量是一个SomeObj的数组呢?@var 数组是不够的,例如 @var array(SomeObj) 好像不成立.

So, is there a way to declare a PHPDoc tag to specify that the member variable is an array of SomeObjs? @var array is not enough, and @var array(SomeObj) doesn't seem to be valid, for example.



/* @var $objs Test[] */
foreach ($objs as $obj) {
    // Typehinting will occur after typing $obj->


when typehinting inline variables, and

class A {
    /** @var Test[] */
    private $items;


09 年 PHPDoc(以及 Zend Studio 和 Netbeans 等 IDE)没有该选项时的上一个答案:


foreach ($Objs as $Obj)
    /* @var $Obj Test */
    // You should be able to get hinting after the preceding line if you type $Obj->

我在 Zend Studio 中经常这样做.不知道其他编辑器,但它应该可以工作.

I do that a lot in Zend Studio. Don't know about other editors, but it ought to work.
