有在线 PHP IDE 吗?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide php

是否有用于 PHP 的 IDE,您可以在其中在线编辑页面代码?真正的语法高亮很少.更多会很棒.除了在家之外,我希望能够在我的网站上进行开发.

Is there an IDE for PHP where you can edit the code for your pages online? Real syntax highlighting is minimal. More would be great. I'd like to be able to do development on my site at times other than when I'm at home.


ShiftEdit 基于 Web 的 IDE

ShiftEdit Web Based IDE

语法高亮、集成 (S)FTP、选项卡、查找/替换、修订历史记录 + 免费试用

Syntax highlighting, Integrated (S)FTP, Tabs, Find/Replace, Revision history + it has a free trial
