更好的 PHP、MySql、HTML 和 JavaScript IDE

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide php javascript mysql html

我目前正在使用以下 IDE.他们为他们的目的服务,但我想知道是否有更好的我可以切换到那里.

I am currently using the below IDE's. They serve their purposes but am wondering if there are better ones out there that i can switch to.

phpDesigner v6.2.5 (PHP)Navicat 8.0.29(适用于 MySql)Dreamweaver CS3(用于 HTML 和 CSS)Spket IDE(用于 JavaScript)

phpDesigner v6.2.5 (For PHP) Navicat 8.0.29 (For MySql) Dreamweaver CS3 (For HTML & CSS) Spket IDE (For JavaScript)


Thats my collection of production tools. Wondering if there is anyone of them i can switch to a better one.



Aptana 是 PHP、MySQL 和 Javascript 的绝佳选择.

Aptana is a great choice for PHP,MySQL and Javascript.

作为 SpKET,Aptana 支持的数量很大.从 Prototype 到 ExtJs 的 Javascript 库,我想特别提一下 JQuery,我偏向于它.:) 所以你会得到 PHP + MySQL + Javascript 一起.另外,Aptana 支持 Python (Pydev) 以及 Ruby On Rails (RadRails),以防您在不久的将来遇到它们.Aptana 基于 Eclipse 并且是开源的.

As SpKET, Aptana supports a large no. of Javascript libraries from Prototype to ExtJs, I would like to mention JQuery especially, I am biased towards it. :) So you would get PHP + MySQL + Javascript together. Plus, Aptana supports Python (Pydev) as welll as Ruby On Rails (RadRails), in case you come across them in near future. Aptana is based on Eclipse and is Open Source.

但是,Aptana 不为 HTML 和 CSS 提供所见即所得.Dreamweaver 将是最好的选择,它包含所有模板等.

But, Aptana does not provide WYSIWYG for HTML and CSS. Dreamweaver would be best for that, with all it's templates etc.
