在 PhpStorm 中关闭自动完成

2022-01-20 00:00:00 editor ide php phpstorm

现在,如果我在 Jetbrains PhpStorm IDE 中输入 $,它会显示一大堆建议(例如已经声明的变量),这会减慢我的输入速度.

Right now if I type in $ into Jetbrains PhpStorm IDE, it will display a whole bunch of suggestions (e.g. variables that have already been declared) which slows down my typing.

有没有办法将 PhpStorm 配置为不这样做?换句话说,如果我按 Ctrl+Space 而不是在我只输入 $ 时关闭自动完成或仅执行自动完成?

Is there a way to configure PhpStorm to NOT do this? In other words, turn off auto-complete or only do auto-complete if I press Ctrl+Space and not when I just type in $?



查看设置/首选项(取决于操作系统) - IDE 设置 - 编辑器 - 代码完成

See Settings/Preferences(depends on OS) - IDE Settings - Editor - Code Completion

在那里你应该找到一个选项Autopopup code completion in (ms)

There you should find an option Autopopup code completion in (ms)

如果未选中该复选框,PhpStorm 将不会自动提示代码完成.

If the check box is not selected, PhpStorm will not suggest code completion automatically.

