在 Netbeans PHP 6.8 中编辑评论模板

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide php netbeans netbeans6.8

想请问有没有办法改变Netbeans PHP 6.8中的评论代码模板

I would like to ask is there any way change the comment code template in Netbeans PHP 6.8

在eclipse中,当我输入/** ENTER 时,它会出现我在设置中设置的评论模板,如下所示:

In eclipse, when I type /** ENTER , it would come out the comment template that I set in the setting, like this:

* Apr 19, 2010 - Shiro
* Description
* @return unknown_type
function test()


默认情况下,Netbeans 只会在函数中显示参数.

by Default Netbeans only will show the parameter in the function.

  * @param <type> $order_No
  * @param <type> $array 

在 Netbeans 中我是否可以找到任何关于此的自定义设置,有人知道此设置在哪里吗?

in Netbeans is there any possible I could found any customization about this, anyone know where is the setting for this?


在某些方面我觉得 NetBeans 做得很好正确 - Eclipse 似乎在模仿穷人的版本控制".但是有大量免费的 VCS,那何必呢?

In some way I feel NetBeans is just doing it right - Eclipse seems to mimic a "poor man's version control". But there are tons of free VCS, so why bother?
