PHP 返回循环结果

2022-01-19 00:00:00 return loops php

我是编码和 PHP 领域的新手,我想知道如何在循环时使用 return.例如,我想返回/显示 1-10 但不使用 echo.

I am new to the world of coding as well as PHP and am wondering how I can use return when looping. For example I would like to return/display 1-10 however not use echo.

$start = 1;
$end = 11;

for($start; $start < $end; $start=$start+1) {

echo $start; //how can I use return?



嗯,return 会退出函数,所以如果你把 return 放在一个循环中,循环只会进行一次迭代(直到 return 语句).

Well, return will exit the function, so if you put return in a loop, the loop will only do one iteration (until the return statement).

您可以收集 数组中的所有值 并返回数组:

You can collect all the values in an array and return the array:

function myFunction() {
    $start = 1;
    $end = 11;
    $values = array();

    for($start; $start < $end; $start=$start+1) {
       $values[] = $start;

    return $values;


That said, a function generating consecutive numbers already exists: range().
