如何使用准备好的语句将布尔值放入 mysql 数据库?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean php mysqli prepared-statement

根据PHP手册,四种变量类型对于 mysqli->bind_param

According to the PHP manual, the four variable types for mysqli->bind_param are

  1. 整数,
  2. 双倍,
  3. 字符串和
  4. 斑点.


What is the best way to insert a boolean?


无论如何,MySQL 并不真正存储布尔值,这是一个技巧.

MySQL doesn't really store booleans anyway, it's a trick.


The actual format is TINYINT, which is I guess integer for pdo.

您必须使用 <将 true/false 转换为 1/0code>intval 例如.

You will have to convert true/false to 1/0, with intval for example.
