Jqgrid 自定义格式使用括号() if negatif value

2022-01-19 00:00:00 php javascript jqgrid


Is any solution in Jqgrid if there is negative number then show bracket "()" ?

例如:如果值为 -23,则显示 (23)

ex: show (23) if value was -23



您可以使用自定义格式化程序来做您想做的事.要正确格式化数字或整数,您可以使用 $.jgrid.formatter.number$.jgrid.formatter.integer 调用 $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat 方法 作为第二个参数.格式化程序的例子是

You can use custom formatter to do what you want. To format numbers or integers correctly you can call $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat method with $.jgrid.formatter.number or $.jgrid.formatter.integer as the second parameter. The example of the formetter is

formatter: function (cellvalue, options) {
    var value = parseFloat(cellvalue), retult,
        op = $.extend({}, $.jgrid.formatter.number); // or $.jgrid.formatter.integer

    if(!$.fmatter.isUndefined(options.colModel.formatoptions)) {
        op = $.extend({}, op,options.colModel.formatoptions);
    retult = $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(Math.abs(value), op);
    return (value >= 0 ? retult : '(' + retult + ')') + ' €';

您还可以更改颜色或其他显示负数的 CSS 样式.您可以使用 cellattr 属性在带有负数的单元格中添加 classstyle 属性:

you can additionally change color or some other CSS style of displaying of the negative numbers. You can use cellattr property to add class or style attribute in the cells with negative numbers:

cellattr: function (rowid, cellvalue) {
    return parseFloat(cellvalue) >= 0 ? '' : ' style="color:red;font-weight:bold;"'

