PHP switch 语句变量范围

2022-01-19 00:00:00 scope switch-statement php

在 PHP 中,switch 语句中的变量作用域是如何处理的?

In PHP, how is variable scope handled in switch statements?


For instance, take this hypothetical example:

$someVariable = 0;

switch($something) {

    case 1:
        $someVariable = 1;

    case 2:
        $someVariable = 2;

echo $someVariable;

这会打印 0 还是 1/2?

Would this print 0 or 1/2?


你的整个代码部分中的变量将是相同的:在 PHP 中没有每个块"的变量范围.

The variable will be the same in your whole portion of code : there is not variable scope "per block" in PHP.

所以,如果 $something12,那么你输入的 case 之一switch,您的代码将输出 1 或 2.

So, if $something is 1 or 2, so you enter in one of the case of the switch, your code would output 1 or 2.

另一方面,如果 $something 不是 1 也不是 2 (例如,如果它被视为 0,您发布的代码就是这种情况,因为它没有初始化为任何东西),您将不会进入任何 case 块;并且代码将输出 0.

On the other hand, if $something is not 1 nor 2 (for instance, if it's considered as 0, which is the case with the code you posted, as it's not initialized to anything), you will not enter in any of the case block ; and the code will output 0.
