使用 ajax 的基于 php 的应用程序的最佳数据网格

2022-01-18 00:00:00 grid jquery php

对于使用 ajax 的基于 php 的应用程序来说,最好的数据网格是什么?请问有什么参考吗?

What is the best data grid for php based application using ajax? Any reference please?


使用jQGrid 插件.我敢打赌你会喜欢的.我经常使用它,文档也可以在 这里找到.

Use jQGrid plugin. I can bet you will love it. I have used it often, and the documentation is also available in here.


Hope it helps. As for any problems with this plugin, you can always ask in here. But please read the documentation in details, to get yourself started very strongly.
