如何在 PHP 中生成多语言内容 Pdf

2022-01-18 00:00:00 pdf internationalization php tcpdf

我正在使用 TCPDF 在 PHP 中生成多语言内容 PDF.我正在使用 TCPDF 并使用字体cid0jp",但它迫使用户下载 adobe 阅读器的语言包.

I am using TCPDF to generate multilingual content PDF in PHP. I am using TCPDF and using font 'cid0jp' but It is forcing user to download language pack for adobe reader.

有什么方法可以在不强制用户下载任何语言包的情况下生成多语言 pdf?

Is there any way to generate multilingual pdf without enforcing user to download any langauge pack?


是的,有办法.我只是有同样的问题.为什么 Adob​​e Reader 要求提供我不知道的语言包.

Yes, there's a way. I just had the same issue. Why Adobe Reader is asking for the language pack i don't know.

但我知道创建多语言 PDF 的最佳方法是使用 Windows 中包含的 Arial Unicode MS-Font.根据维基百科,这是字符最多的字体!但是没有粗体或斜体.您可以从 http://www.linotype.com 购买 Arial Unicode Bold/en/817674/ArialUnicode-family.html#.

But i know that the best way to create multilingual PDFs is to use the Arial Unicode MS-Font which is included in windows. That's the font with the most characters according to wikipedia!! But there's no Bold or Italics. You can buy a Arial Unicode Bold from http://www.linotype.com/en/817674/ArialUnicode-family.html#.

我使用带有中文、日文、西里尔文的 Arial MS Unicode 字体.对于西方语言,我使用正常的 Arial,所以我有斜体和粗体.另一种可能性是为每种语言使用为该语言制作的自己的字体.

I use the Arial MS Unicode-Font with chinese, japanese, cyrilic. For western languages i use the normal Arial so i have italics and bold. An other possibility is to use for each language a own font which is made for this language.

要使 Arial MS Unicode 与 tcpdf 一起使用,请按照以下问题的答案步骤操作:使用支持所有语言尤其是 CJK 的 TCPDF 创建 PDF

To make the Arial MS Unicode to work with tcpdf follow the steps on the answer of this Question: Creating PDFs using TCPDF that supports all languages especially CJK

