PHP ldap_add 函数以转义 DN 语法中的 ldap 特殊字符

2022-01-17 00:00:00 special-characters escaping ldap php

我正在尝试将一些用户添加到我的 Ldap DB,但是当我使用一些特殊字符(如,.")时出现一些错误(无效的 dn 语法).我需要一个转义所有字符的函数.我尝试了 preg_quote,但在某些情况下会出现一些错误.

I'm trying to add some users to my Ldap DB but I get some errors (invalid dn syntax) when I use some special characters like ",.". I need a function that escape all characters. I try preg_quote but I get some errors in some cases.



$user = 'Test , Name S.L';

    if(!(ldap_add($ds, "cn=" . $user . ",".LDAP_DN_BASE, $info))) {

            include 'error_new_account.php';



编辑 2013 年 1 月:添加了对转义 DN 字符串中的前导/尾随空格的支持,每 RFC 4514.感谢 Eugenio 指出这个问题.

EDIT Jan 2013: added support for escaping leading/trailing spaces in DN strings, per RFC 4514. Thanks to Eugenio for pointing out this issue.

编辑 2014:我将此功能添加到 PHP 5.6.下面的代码现在是早期 PHP 版本的同类替代品.

EDIT 2014: I added this function to PHP 5.6. The code below is now a like-for-like drop-in replacement for earlier PHP versions.

if (!function_exists('ldap_escape')) {
    define('LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER', 0x01);
    define('LDAP_ESCAPE_DN',     0x02);

     * @param string $subject The subject string
     * @param string $ignore Set of characters to leave untouched
     * @param int $flags Any combination of LDAP_ESCAPE_* flags to indicate the
     *                   set(s) of characters to escape.
     * @return string
    function ldap_escape($subject, $ignore = '', $flags = 0)
        static $charMaps = array(
            LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER => array('\', '*', '(', ')', "x00"),
            LDAP_ESCAPE_DN     => array('\', ',', '=', '+', '<', '>', ';', '"', '#'),

        // Pre-process the char maps on first call
        if (!isset($charMaps[0])) {
            $charMaps[0] = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
                $charMaps[0][chr($i)] = sprintf('\%02x', $i);;

            for ($i = 0, $l = count($charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER]); $i < $l; $i++) {
                $chr = $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER][$i];
                $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER][$chr] = $charMaps[0][$chr];

            for ($i = 0, $l = count($charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_DN]); $i < $l; $i++) {
                $chr = $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_DN][$i];
                $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_DN][$chr] = $charMaps[0][$chr];

        // Create the base char map to escape
        $flags = (int)$flags;
        $charMap = array();
        if ($flags & LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) {
            $charMap += $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER];
        if ($flags & LDAP_ESCAPE_DN) {
            $charMap += $charMaps[LDAP_ESCAPE_DN];
        if (!$charMap) {
            $charMap = $charMaps[0];

        // Remove any chars to ignore from the list
        $ignore = (string)$ignore;
        for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($ignore); $i < $l; $i++) {

        // Do the main replacement
        $result = strtr($subject, $charMap);

        // Encode leading/trailing spaces if LDAP_ESCAPE_DN is passed
        if ($flags & LDAP_ESCAPE_DN) {
            if ($result[0] === ' ') {
                $result = '\20' . substr($result, 1);
            if ($result[strlen($result) - 1] === ' ') {
                $result = substr($result, 0, -1) . '\20';

        return $result;


$user = 'Test , Name S.L';
$cn = ldap_escape($user, '', LDAP_ESCAPE_DN);
if (!ldap_add($ds, "cn={$cn}," . LDAP_DN_BASE, $info)) {
    include 'error_new_account.php';
