如何在 PHP 中检测用户来自我之前的站点?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 http-headers php

在使用 PHP 访问我的站点之前,如何检测用户来自的站点?

How can I detect the site the user came from before accessing mine in PHP?




更多信息,请查看HTTP referrer:

引荐来源网址或 HTTP 引荐来源网址 — 也以常见的拼写错误而闻名作为 HTTP 标头出现的referer场——识别,从点浏览互联网网页或资源,网页的地址(通常是 URL,越通用URI 或 i18n 更新的 IRI)链接到它的资源.通过检查推荐人,新页面可以看到请求来自哪里.

The referrer, or HTTP referrer—also known by the common misspelling referer that occurs as an HTTP header field—identifies, from the point of view of an internet webpage or resource, the address of the webpage (commonly the URL, the more generic URI or the i18n updated IRI) of the resource that links to it. By checking the referrer, the new page can see where the request came from.
