将 Gmail 用于 SMTP 时,是否可以设置不同的“发件人"?地址?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 email smtp gmail php swiftmailer

我正在使用 Swift Mailer 406 发送电子邮件.我连接到我的 smtp.gmail.com 帐户,然后我这样做:

I am using Swift Mailer 406 for sending emails. I connect to my smtp.gmail.com account and then I do:

->setFrom(array($from => $fromname))


But the emails sent got the original gmail account email.



gmail 不允许您使用随机发件人地址.您必须在 gmail 设置中添加并验证您要使用的地址:

gmail doesn't allow you to use random From addresses. You have to add and validate the address you'd like to use in the gmail settings:

Settings -> Accounts -> Send mail as -> Add another email address you own
