什么是 PHP 框架,什么是好的框架?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 frameworks php

我正在运行一个关于 PHP 框架的网站,但我找不到它的确切定义,我一直在思考一个问题,如何制作一个好的 PHP 框架?特征?手动的?效率?还是什么?

I am running a site about PHP Frameworks, but I can't find a exact definition for it, and I am always thinking a question, how to make out a good PHP framework? Features? Manual? Efficiency? Or something?


问编程论坛什么是好框架就像问汽车论坛什么是好车.意见千差万别,在 95% 的情况下,你选择什么并不重要,只要它是积极开发的.您的大部分回复将基于宗教而非主观比较.:)

Asking a programming forum what is a good framework is like asking a car forum what is a good car. The opinions vary wildly, and in 95% of cases, it really doesn't matter what you choose, as long as it's actively developed. Most of your replies will be based on religion and not subjective comparisons. :)
