WordPress 的好资源?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 widget frameworks php wordpress

我正在建立一个相当大的网站,没有电子商务,但有很多特定的内容需要管理.出于某种原因,客户想要 Wordpress.没有办法解决这个问题......

I'm building quite a large site, no e-commerce, but a a lot of specific content to be managed. For some reason, the client wants Wordpress. There is no way of getting around this...

我以前使用过 Wordpress 来快速开发博客,但仅此而已.如果有任何东西超出了 Wordpress 的范围,我将在某些东西(Rails/Cake)中使用框架.

I've used Wordpress before to rapidly develop blogs, but that's about it. If anything goes beyond the scope of Wordpress I'll use a framework in something (Rails/Cake).

此构建将需要自定义插件和小部件,所以我要问的是学习如何使用 Wordpress 以及插件和小部件的最佳实践的最佳方式是什么?

This build is going to require custom plug-ins and widgets, so what I'm asking is how is the best way to go about learning how Wordpress and best practices for plug-ins and widgets?


我每天都使用这些,所有链接都是 WordPress 特定的.编码愉快!

I use these on a daily basis and all the links are WordPress specific. Happy coding!

  • 粉碎杂志
  • 构建互联网
  • Dig WP
  • CSS 技巧
  • WP 工程师
  • Snipplr
  • 粘贴箱
  • WordPress 支持论坛
  • WordPress 开发者文档
  • WordPress 插件 API
  • WordPress 函数参考
  • Adam Brown 的 WordPress 过滤器/挂钩数据库
  • Yoast 的 WordPress PHPXref
  • WordPress StackExchange
