函数 date_default_timezone_set() 不可用

2022-01-16 00:00:00 date timezone php


As the title says, can anybody explain why the code

ini_set( 'date.timezone', 'Europe/Athens' );


date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Athens' );


does not? It gives me this error:

致命错误:调用未定义的函数 date_default_timezone_set()

Fatal error: Call to undefined function date_default_timezone_set()

我一直在寻找一种转换时间戳的解决方案,而我在网上只能使用 date_default_timezone_set.但转换总是有 1 小时的差异.

I was looking for a solution to convert a timestamp and all I could find on the web was to use date_default_timezone_set. But the conversion had always 1 hour difference.

然后我发现这个话题strftime()函数显示不正确的时间",它正在使用 init_set 代码(后来我有 RTM 并发现它已经在文档中提到).我试过了,效果很好.

Then I found this topic "strftime() function showing incorrect time" which is using the init_set code (and afterwards I've RTM and found out that it's already mentioned in the documentation). I tried it and it worked.

但我还没有找到为什么 date_default_timezone_set 不起作用的答案.

But I haven't found an answer why date_default_timezone_set is not working.



您必须使用旧版本的 PHP.

You must be using an old version of PHP.

date_default_timezone_set is for PHP 5.1.2 and above.

尝试 php -v 并检查您的 PHP 版本.

Try php -v and check your PHP version.
