获取 PHP 中的美国官方时区?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 timezone php


I have account stored in my database and I have each account state on file, from there I want to link each account to a timezone based on the account state.


so if the account's state is California then the timezone will be "America/Los_Angeles"

更多,我想分解此页面提供的时区 http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.america.php by大西洋东中央山太平洋阿拉斯加州夏威夷 - 阿留申

More, I want to break down the time zone that is provided at this page http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.america.php by Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Alaska Hawaii - Aleutian

现在我将能够根据 7 个时区对我的数据进行排序,并且我可以将我的所有帐户链接到一个时区,以便我可以确定它们的时区.

Now I will be able to sort my data based on 7 time zones and also I can have all my account linked to a timezone so I can determine their time zone.

所以我的问题1)我怎样才能弄清楚什么状态与什么时区相关联.(例如:加利福尼亚 = "America/Los_Angeles")

So My question 1) How can I figure out what state is linked to what timezone. (example: California = "America/Los_Angeles")

2) 哪个时区与哪个时区类别相关联.(例如:加利福尼亚 = 太平洋)

2) Which timezone are linked to what timezone category. (example: California = Pacific)




Many US states have multiple time zones. For example, South Dakota has both Mountain and Central time zones.


If you desire to resolve a location to a time zone, you will need a much more granular location. Ideally, a latitude and longitude. If you don't have one, you can approximate the centroid lat/lon of a zip code, and then use that against any of many various services or databases that will resolve that to a time zone. But be very careful, not all zip codes represent physical locations, and zip codes change frequently.
