Symfony 和 Doctrine 使迁移无效

2022-01-16 00:00:00 php mysql symfony doctrine doctrine-orm

Doctrine 正在 symfony 中生成迁移,并且在运行迁移之后没有任何变化,因此在下一个差异期间它是相同的.如何使 Doctrine 不产生这种迁移?手动运行 alter table 命令不会删除列排序规则.

bin/console 学说:migration:diff


$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE session CHANGE sess_id sess_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL');


$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE session CHANGE sess_id sess_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci');




创建表 会话 (sess_id varchar(128) 整理 utf8_unicode_ci 非空,sess_data longblob NOT NULL,sess_time int(11) NOT NULL,sess_lifetime int(11) NOT NULL,主键 (sess_id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci


id;}/*** 获取 sessData** @return 字符串*/公共函数 getSessData(){返回 $this->sessData;}/*** 设置 sessData** @param 字符串 $sessData** @return 会话*/公共函数 setSessData($sessData){$this->sessData = $sessData;返回$这个;}/*** 获取会话时间** @return 整数*/公共函数 getSessTime(){返回 $this->sessTime;}/*** 设置会话时间** @param 整数 $sessTime** @return 会话*/公共函数 setSessTime($sessTime){$this->sessTime = $sessTime;返回$这个;}/*** 获取 sessLifetime** @return 整数*/公共函数 getSessLifetime(){return $this->sessLifetime;}/*** 设置 sessLifetime** @param 整数 $sessLifetime** @return 会话*/公共函数 setSessLifetime($sessLifetime){$this->sessLifetime = $sessLifetime;返回$这个;}}




  • Symfony=3.4.9(弹性)
    • 教义/orm=^2.5.11
  • PHP=7.2.5
  • cURL=7.59.0
  • APCu=5.1.11
  • Xdebug=2.6.0
  • 作曲家=1.6.5
  • Nginx=1.14.0
  • MariaDB=10.2.14


为了纠正我的问题,commented OR set value 'mariadb-10.2.14' on property server_version in config/包/doctrine.yaml.


Doctrine is generating migration in symfony and nothing changes afer running the migration so during next diff it is the same. How to make Doctrine not generate this migration? Running the alter table command manually does not remove column collation.

bin/console doctrine:migration:diff


$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE session CHANGE sess_id sess_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL');


$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE session CHANGE sess_id sess_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci');

Table looks like that:

show create table session;    

CREATE TABLE session ( sess_id varchar(128) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, sess_data longblob NOT NULL, sess_time int(11) NOT NULL, sess_lifetime int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sess_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci

Entity is after adding collation like below


namespace AppEntity;

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;

 * Session
 * @ORMTable(name="session")
 * @ORMEntity(repositoryClass="AppRepositorySessionRepository")
class Session
     * @var string
     * @ORMColumn(name="sess_id", type="string", length=128, options={"collation":"utf8_unicode_ci"})
     * @ORMId
     * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORMColumn(name="sess_data", type="blob")
    private $sessData;

     * @var int
     * @ORMColumn(name="sess_time", type="integer")
    private $sessTime;

     * @var int
     * @ORMColumn(name="sess_lifetime", type="integer")
    private $sessLifetime;

     * Get id
     * @return string
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Get sessData
     * @return string
    public function getSessData()
        return $this->sessData;

     * Set sessData
     * @param string $sessData
     * @return Session
    public function setSessData($sessData)
        $this->sessData = $sessData;

        return $this;

     * Get sessTime
     * @return int
    public function getSessTime()
        return $this->sessTime;

     * Set sessTime
     * @param integer $sessTime
     * @return Session
    public function setSessTime($sessTime)
        $this->sessTime = $sessTime;

        return $this;

     * Get sessLifetime
     * @return int
    public function getSessLifetime()
        return $this->sessLifetime;

     * Set sessLifetime
     * @param integer $sessLifetime
     * @return Session
    public function setSessLifetime($sessLifetime)
        $this->sessLifetime = $sessLifetime;

        return $this;


I had a similar problem.

I use :

  • Symfony=3.4.9 (flex)
    • doctrine/orm=^2.5.11
  • PHP=7.2.5
  • cURL=7.59.0
  • APCu=5.1.11
  • Xdebug=2.6.0
  • Composer=1.6.5
  • Nginx=1.14.0
  • MariaDB=10.2.14

Solution :

For correct my problem, commented OR set value 'mariadb-10.2.14' on the property server_version in config/packages/doctrine.yaml.

Highly inspired by :
