如何在 Doctrine 查询中指定空值作为过滤器?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 null php doctrine dql

我在 Zend 中使用 Doctrine 1.1.我正在尝试编写一个查询,该查询将返回在某一列中具有空值的记录.

I am using Doctrine 1.1 in Zend. I am trying to write a query that will return records that have a null value in a certain column.

    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('RuleSet a')
    ->where('a.vertical_id = ?', null);

    $ruleset_names_result = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);

我在规则集表中有三个记录,它们在 vertical_id 列中有一个 NULL 值,但查询没有找到这些记录.

I have three records in the ruleset table which have a NULL value in the vertical_id column yet the query doest not find these.




我在 symfony 中使用学说,我就是这样做的:

I use doctrine with symfony, and this is how I do:

where('a.vertical_id is NULL');
