在 ZF2 中创建具有依赖关系(依赖注入)的学说存储库

我想创建一个具有硬依赖关系的存储库.我发现 Jurian Sluiman 的这篇博文 但他建议从服务管理器获取存储库并在需要时将其注入到服务中.

I want to make a repository with hard dependencies. I found this blog post by Jurian Sluisman but he suggests getting the repository from the service manager and injecting it into the service where needed.

如果我能够使用 getRepository 从我的 EntityManagerObjectManager 实例中获取具有注入依赖项的自定义存储库,那就更好了 方法:

It would be much better if I would be able to get my custom repositories with injected dependencies like normally from my EntityManager or ObjectManager instance by using the getRepository method:


如何在我的存储库中使用构造函数注入,并且仍然像往常一样直接使用 getRepository 方法从 ObjectManager 获取它们?

How can I use constructor injection in my Repositories and still get them like normally from the ObjectManager directly with the getRepository method?


Doctrine 使用 一个工厂类 DoctrineORMEntityManagerInterfaceDefaultRepositoryFactory 用于创建存储库实例.如果未设置自定义工厂,则会创建此默认工厂 在 getRepositoryFactory 方法 rel="nofollow noreferrer">DoctrineORMConfiguration 类.

Doctrine uses a factory class DoctrineORMEntityManagerInterfaceDefaultRepositoryFactory for creating repository instances. If no custom factory is set this default factory is created here in the getRepositoryFactory method in the DoctrineORMConfiguration class.


By defining a custom repository_factory we can overwrite this default factory class and add custom logic to the factory that will inject the hard dependencies:

为了说明如何做到这一点,我将展示一个示例,其中存储库工厂类通过构造函数注入创建依赖于 ServiceLocator 实例的存储库.

To illustrate how you can do this I will show an example where the repository factory class creates repositories that are dependent on a ServiceLocator instance through constructor injection.

1) 制作一个自定义工厂类,实现RepositoryFactory 接口

1) make a custom factory class that implements the doctrine RepositoryFactory interface



namespace MyORMRepository;

use DoctrineCommonPersistenceObjectRepository;    
use DoctrineORMRepositoryRepositoryFactory;
use DoctrineORMEntityManagerInterface;
use ZendServiceManagerServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use ZendServiceManagerServiceLocatorAwareTrait;
use ZendServiceManagerServiceLocatorInterface;

class CustomRepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactory, ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
    use ServiceLocatorAwareTrait;

     * @var ObjectRepository[]
    private $repositoryList = array();

     * @var ServiceLocator
    protected $serviceLocator;

     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function __construct(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        $this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRepository(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, $entityName)
        $repositoryHash = $entityManager->getClassMetadata($entityName)->getName() . spl_object_hash($entityManager);

        if (isset($this->repositoryList[$repositoryHash])) {
            return $this->repositoryList[$repositoryHash];

        return $this->repositoryList[$repositoryHash] = $this->createRepository($entityManager, $entityName);

     * @param EntityManagerInterface $entityManager The EntityManager instance.
     * @param string                 $entityName    The name of the entity.
     * @return ObjectRepository
    private function createRepository(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, $entityName)
        /* @var $metadata DoctrineORMMappingClassMetadata */
        $metadata            = $entityManager->getClassMetadata($entityName);
        $repositoryClassName = $metadata->customRepositoryClassName
            ?: $entityManager->getConfiguration()->getDefaultRepositoryClassName();

        // Constructor injection, I check with subclass of but it is just an example
        if(is_subclass_of($repositoryClassName, ServiceLocatorAwareInterface::class)){
            $serviceLocator = $this->getServiceLocator()
            $repository = new $repositoryClassName($entityManager, $metadata, $serviceLocator);
            $repository = new $repositoryClassName($entityManager, $metadata);
        return $repository;

2) 为存储库工厂创建工厂

namespace MyORMRepositoryFactory;

use MyORMRepositoryCustomRepositoryFactory;
use ZendCacheStorageStorageInterface;
use ZendServiceManagerFactoryInterface;
use ZendServiceManagerServiceLocatorInterface;

class CustomRepositoryFactoryFactory implements FactoryInterface
     * @param  ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @return StorageInterface
    public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        return new CustomRepositoryFactory($serviceLocator);

3) 在service_manager 配置中为仓库工厂注册工厂

3) register the factory for the repository factory in the service_manager config

'service_manager' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        'MyORMRepositoryCustomRepositoryFactory' => 'MyORMRepositoryFactoryCustomRepositoryFactoryFactory'

4) 在教义配置中注册存储库工厂

'doctrine' => array(
    'configuration' => array(
        'orm_default' => array(
            'repository_factory' => 'MyORMRepositoryCustomRepositoryFactory'
