I have a code like this that searches by the text index:
$expr = $queryBuilder->expr()->operator('$text', ['$search' => $this->value]);
$result = $queryBuilder->equals($expr)->getQuery()->execute();
But the result is not sorted by the relevance, which I want.
我在这里找到了一些信息,但不知道怎么做使用 Doctrine 将字段分数添加到搜索结果.
I found some info here but could not figure out how to add field score to search result using Doctrine.
I guess it would be easy from there just adding:
我找不到相关文档,但我确实找到了 this issue 在项目的 Github repo 上.该问题具有 1.2.0 版本的里程碑,但它似乎已经在 1.1.x 分支中发布.该问题已通过此提交关闭.
I could not find relevant documentation, but I did find this issue on the project's Github repo. The issue has a milestone of 1.2.0 release, but it seems it has already been released in the 1.1.x branch. The issue has been closed via this commit.
从提交看来,您似乎只需要在查询构建器上调用一个额外的方法即可按 textScore 元数据信息对结果进行排序:
From the commit, it seems that all you need to sort your results by the textScore metadata info is one extra method call on the query builder:
$result = $queryBuilder
->sortMeta('fieldToSearch', 'textScore') // <- this