Symfony2 Doctrine CAST AS DECIMAL

我在 Symfony2 中使用 Sonata Admin Bundle 并有一个自定义过滤器.在数据库中,列是浮动的(无法更改).如果你输入 1333.33 将没有结果.

I use Sonata Admin Bundle in Symfony2 and have a custom filter. In database, column is float (cannot change it). If you type 1333.33 there will be no result.

一种解决方案是使用 CAST:

One solution is to use CAST:

CAST( o.price AS DECIMAL) = CAST( 399.99 AS DECIMAL)

查询在 SQL 中运行良好,但 Doctrine 抛出错误.所以我的问题是如何在 Doctrine 或其他可靠的解决方案中使用 CAST?

Query is working just fine in SQL but Doctrine throws an error. So my question is how can use CAST in Doctrine or another reliable solution?


Doctrine 在其 DQL 中没有提供 CAST 构造(参见 这个列表).

Doctrine does not provide a CAST construct in its DQL (see this list).

但对于您的特殊情况,比较乘以 100 的值应该足够了:

But for your special case, it should be enough to compare the values multiplyed by 100:

o.price * 100 = 399.99 * 100
