
2022-01-16 00:00:00 php symfony doctrine doctrine-orm twig

我是 Symfony2 的新手,并试图显示一个页面列出实体的项目.但是,一旦我使用下面的代码,分页符会出现未收到数据错误"或ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE"导致我认为我的路线不起作用并引发问题 这里 但问题与 Doctrine 有关:

I'm new to Symfony2 and trying to display a page listing items of an entity. However, once i use the code below the page breaks with a "No data received error" or "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" leading me to think that my routes were not working and raising the issue here but the issue was related to Doctrine:

    public function indexAction() {
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    $entities = $em->getRepository('ApsaBundle:Apsa')->findAll();

    return $this->render('ApsaBundle:Apsa:index.html.twig', array(
                'entities' => $entities,


However, this simple function displays the page :

    public function indexAction() {
             return $this->render('ApsaBundle:Apsa:index.html.twig');


i'll be glad to know how to go about debugging this doctrine issue.Below the twig use to display the page

{% extends ::base.html.twig %}
{% block body -%}
    Apsa list

    <table class="records_list">
        {% for entity in entities %}
                <td><a href="#">{{ entity.id }}</a></td>
                <td>{{ entity.titre }}</td>
                <td>{{ entity.description }}</td>
                        <a href="#">show</a>
                        <a href="#">edit</a>
        {% endfor %}

            <a href="#">
                Create a new entry
    {% endblock %}



可能是由于 WAMP 配置错误.

Probably due to a bad WAMP configuration.

我邀请您尝试使用此命令行可用的内置 symfony 服务器:

I invite you to try with the build-in symfony server available by this command line:

php 应用程序/控制台服务器:运行
