在循环中执行 Doctrine 查询时的内存泄漏

我无法在脚本中找到内存泄漏的原因.我有一个简单的存储库方法,它将我的实体中的计数"列增加 X 数量:

I'm having trouble in locating the cause for a memory leak in my script. I have a simple repository method which increments a 'count' column in my entity by X amount:

public function incrementCount($id, $amount)
    $query = $this
        ->update('MyEntity', 'e')
        ->set('e.count', 'e.count + :amount')
        ->where('e.id = :id')
        ->setParameter('id', $id)
        ->setParameter('amount', $amount)



Problem is, if I call this in a loop the memory usage balloons on every iteration:

$entityManager = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
$myRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(MyEntity::class);
while (true) {
    $myRepository->incrementCount("123", 5);

我在这里缺少什么?我试过 ->clear(),按照 Doctrine 的 关于批处理的建议.我什至尝试了 gc_collect_cycles(),但问题仍然存在.

What am I missing here? I've tried ->clear(), as per Doctrine's advice on batch processing. I even tried gc_collect_cycles(), but still the issue remains.

我在 PHP 5.5 上运行 Doctrine 2.4.6.

I'm running Doctrine 2.4.6 on PHP 5.5.


我通过在命令中添加 --no-debug 解决了这个问题.事实证明,在调试模式下,分析器将有关每个查询的信息存储在内存中.

I resolved this by adding --no-debug to my command. It turns out that in debug mode, the profiler was storing information about every single query in memory.
