如何在 Doctrine 中使用 andWhere 和 or Where?
WHERE a = 1 AND (b = 1 Or b = 2) AND (c = 1 OR c = 2)
我怎样才能在 Doctrine 中做到这一点?
How can i make this in Doctrine?
$q->where("a = 1");
$q->andWhere("b = 1")
$q->orWhere("b = 2")
$q->andWhere("c = 1")
$q->orWhere("d = 2")
this isnt correctly... Should be:
$q->where("a = 1");
$q->andWhere("b = 1")
$q->orWhere("b = 2")
$q->andWhere("c = 1")
$q->orWhere("d = 2")
但是我怎样才能做到呢?在 Propel 中是函数 getNewCriterion,而在 Doctrine 中...?
but how can i make it? In Propel is function getNewCriterion, and in Doctrine...?
$q->where("a = 1")
->andWhere("b = 1 OR b = 2")
->andWhere("c = 2 OR c = 2")