什么是 Doctrine 水合作用?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 php doctrine hydration


I've read about hydration in doctrine's documentation but I still can't understand what it is.




Hydration is a method used to return query results. For example:

  1. HYDRATE_ARRAY - 这将返回一个由另一个数组表示的记录数组:

  1. HYDRATE_ARRAY - This will return you an array of records that are represented by another array:

$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
   ->from('Post p')

$resultSet = $q->execute(); // $resultSet is an array

foreach ($resultSet as $post) {
    // $post is an array
    echo $post['title'];

  • HYDRATE_RECORD - 这将返回一个集合(Doctrine_Collection) 对象:

  • HYDRATE_RECORD - This will return you an collection (Doctrine_Collection) of objects:

    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
       ->from('Post p')
       ->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_RECORD); // Unnecessary, HYDATE_RECORD is default method
    $resultSet = $q->execute(); // $resultSet is an Doctrine_Collection object
    foreach ($resultSet as $post) {
        // $post is an Post object
        echo $post->getTitle();
        echo $post['title']; // Each Doctrine's Model object implements ArrayAccess interface so this is possible
        echo $post->myCustomMethod();

  • HYDRATE_SINGULAR_SCALAR - 将返回查询结果第一列的值:

  • HYDRATE_SINGULAR_SCALAR - Will return the value of first column of query's result:

     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
       ->from('Post p')
       ->where('p.id = ?', 321)
    $createdAt = $q->execute(); // $createdAt has value of first column from first record from result set (eg.: 2008-04-06 21:22:35)

  • 还有更多方法,您可以在文档中阅读每个方法.

    There is a few more methods , you can read about each in documentation.
