我可以信任调用 PHP __destruct() 方法吗?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 garbage-collection php

在 PHP5 中,是否保证为每个对象实例调用 __destruct() 方法?程序中的异常可以防止这种情况发生吗?

In PHP5, is the __destruct() method guaranteed to be called for each object instance? Can exceptions in the program prevent this from happening?



The destructor will be called when the all references are freed, or when the script terminates. I assume this means when the script terminates properly. I would say that critical exceptions would not guarantee the destructor to be called.

PHP 文档 有点薄,但它确实说析构函数中的异常会导致问题.

The PHP documentation is a little bit thin, but it does say that Exceptions in the destructor will cause issues.
