怎么使用NoMachine NX交付远程Mac、Linux和Windows桌面

2023-04-12 09:39:00 交付 桌面 NX

NoMachine NX is a software tool that enables the delivery of remote Mac, Linux and Windows desktops. It can be used to provide access to a desktop environment from another computer or device, or to allow multiple users to share a single desktop. There are a number of ways to use NoMachine NX, depending on the needs of the users and the environment in which it is being used.

To use NoMachine NX, first install the software on the computer that will be used to access the remote desktop. This can be done using the NoMachine NX Client installer, available for download from the NoMachine website. Once the software is installed, launch the NoMachine NX Client and enter the IP address or hostname of the computer that will be used to deliver the remote desktop.

The NoMachine NX Client will then connect to the NoMachine NX Server and negotiate a session. Once the session is established, the user will be presented with the remote desktop. The user can then interact with the desktop as if they were using the local computer.

NoMachine NX can be used to deliver remote desktops to a variety of devices, including laptops, tablets and smartphones. The NoMachine NX Client is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The NoMachine NX Server is available for a variety of server platforms, including Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.
