如何在不等待结果的情况下将 SQL 查询发送到 PHP 中的数据库

2022-01-14 00:00:00 sql db2 ibm-midrange php

使用 DB2 和 PHP,我的 ADD 和 DROP 需要很长时间才能完成(每个 ADD 和 DROP 30 秒).我很好奇是否有办法在不让 PHP 等待响应的情况下将我的 ADD 和 DROP 发送到数据库?

Working with DB2 and PHP, my ADDs and DROPs take a long time to finish (30 seconds per ADD and DROP). I am curious if there is a way to send my ADDs and DROPs to the database without having PHP wait for a response?


我相当肯定大多数 php db 控件没有异步方法(太糟糕了).假设您只需要执行不与最终用户交互的数据库语句,您可以使用 pcntl_fork.如果你需要别的东西,像 这个可能更有用.

I'm fairly certain that most php db controls don't have async methods (too bad). Presuming that you just need to do DB statements that don't interact with the end user you could use pcntl_fork. If you need something else, a solution like this may be more useful.
