PHP (5.3+) 中的 (反斜杠)有什么作用?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 namespaces php opcode opcache

在 PHP 中的作用是什么?

What does a do in PHP?

例如,CSRF4PHP 有 FALSEsession_idException:

For example, CSRF4PHP has FALSE, session_id, and Exception:

public function __construct($timeout=300, $acceptGet=FALSE){
    $this->timeout = $timeout;
    if (session_id()) {
        $this->acceptGet = (bool) $acceptGet;
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Could not find session id', 1);


(反斜杠)是 PHP 5.3 中的命名空间分隔符.

(backslash) is the namespace separator in PHP 5.3.


A before the beginning of a function represents the Global Namespace.


Putting it there will ensure that the function called is from the global namespace, even if there is a function by the same name in the current namespace.
