SimpleXML:使用包含命名空间的 XML

2022-01-14 00:00:00 xml namespaces php simplexml

我正在尝试通过 google-picasa API 获取地理信息.这是原始 XML:

I am trying to get to the geo information off the google-picasa API. This is the original XML:

    <gml:pos>35.669998 139.770004</gml:pos>


I already have come this far, with:


var_dump($geo) 会输出

object(SimpleXMLElement)#34 (1) { 
  ["Point"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#30 (1) { 
    ["pos"]=> string(18) "52.373801 4.890935" 


echo (string)$geo->position or (string)$geo->position->pos; 


will give me nothing. Is there something obvious that i am doing wrong?


您可以使用 XPath 和 registerXPathNamespace():

You could work with XPath and registerXPathNamespace():

$xml->registerXPathNamespace("georss", "");
$xml->registerXPathNamespace("gml", "");
$pos = $xml->xpath("/georss:where/gml:Point/gml:pos");


registerXPathNamespace […] 为下一个 XPath 查询创建一个前缀/ns 上下文.

registerXPathNamespace […] Creates a prefix/ns context for the next XPath query.

更多在 SimpleXML 中处理命名空间的方法可以在这里找到,例如:
Stuart Herbert 在 PHP - 使用 SimpleXML解析 RSS 源

More ways to handle namespaces in SimpleXML can be found here, for example:
Stuart Herbert On PHP - Using SimpleXML To Parse RSS Feeds
