
2023-04-11 13:21:00 结构 ProFTPd
Proftpd的结构是怎么样的 Proftpd是一个开源的FTP服务器软件,支持Unix、Linux、Solaris、FreeBSD、Mac OS X、AIX和IRIX等多种操作系统。它的特点是稳定性、安全性、易用性和高可配置性。 Proftpd的结构包括三个部分: 1. The server core 2. Modules 3. Utilities The server core is the heart of Proftpd. It handles all incoming connections and passes control to the appropriate modules. The modules provide the actual functionality of the server, such as handling FTP commands, authenticating users, and transferring files. The utilities are used for managing the server, such as creating and deleting users, changing passwords, and so on. Proftpd的核心部分是服务器核心。它负责处理所有传入的连接,并将控制权限交给适当的模块。模块提供了服务器的实际功能,例如处理FTP命令、身份验证用户和传输文件。实用程序用于管理服务器,例如创建和删除用户、更改密码等。 The server core is written in C, and the modules are written in either C or Perl. The utilities are written in Perl. 服务器核心是用C编写的,模块是用C或Perl编写的。实用程序是用Perl编写的。
